Pressure Too Low – Chemiclave 5000 Will Not Reach Vaporization (Green) Zone
a) Check that reservoir is filled with Vapo-Sterilization Solution
b) Be sure the sterilizer is not being overloaded in use. Extremely large loads of heavy metal may prolong heating and pressure build-up time in the Chemiclave 5000
c) Are you wrapping instruments in multiple wraps of linen or cloth or are you lining the tray with cloth towel.?
Heavy cloth insulation may prolong heating and pressure build up time in the Chemiclave 5000.
Chemically pure, hard surface paper bags and liners, such as
Harvey Indicator Bags (sterilization bags/pouches) and tray liners should be used in place of multiple wrapped or folded cloth
d) Check your Chemiclave 5000 for leaks
e) Check your Chemiclave 5000 for proper temperature